CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 71 - 80 of 169

John Triseliotis

| Edited by Malcolm Hill

John Triseliotis, who died in 2012, was for more than 40 years a world-renowned expert on children raised by people other than their parents. He carried out seminal research that helped lift the veil of secrecy and stigma hitherto associated with adoption. The articles and chapters in this collection are a tribute to John Triseliotis’s pioneering work.

Related by adoption

| Hedi Argent

This useful handbook introduces grandparents-to-be and other relatives to information about adoption today. It offers some facts about the children who need to be adopted and discusses how the wider family can support and be involved in building a family through adoption.

Social work with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children

| Paul Adams

Social work with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children and families has received scant attention, for a variety of reasons, including long-term historical and societal factors. This Good Practice addresses these and many more questions and will be of immense help to all those working with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities and looked after children.

Proud parents

| Nicola Hill

This is a compelling collection of stories of lesbians and gay men who have adopted or fostered children. Single and in partnerships, they share their experiences on a number of issues and write about life as an adoptive family.

Comparing long term placements for young children in care

| Dominic McSherry, Montserrat Fargas Malet and Kerrylee Weatherall

This book reports on the Care Pathways and Outcomes longitudinal study which, since 2000, has been tracking a group of children who were under the age of five and in care in Northern Ireland on a particular census day, and gathering comparative data on how the children and their parents/carers were coping across the different types of placement provided. The book reports on the most recent phase of the study, which involved interviews with the children and parents/carers on a range of subjects.

Why was I adopted?

| Jane Jackson

This short guide looks at some of the most common big adoption questions that adopted children ask, and explores the feelings and worries that can lie behind a child’s questions, with useful suggested dialogues.

Adoption now

| Fergus Smith, Roy Stewart and Alexandra Conroy Harris

This handy guide presents the law, regulations, standards and guidance relating to adoption today, covering all stages of the process and related information – in easily digested bite-sized chunks.

Placing large sibling groups for adoption

| Hilary Saunders, Julie Selwyn and Eileen Fursland

The importance of maintaining sibling relationships is widely recognised, but it is not always easy to find families willing and able to adopt sibling groups. This Good Practice Guide examines how adoption agency staff and children’s social workers handle the adoption process for large sibling groups, with an emphasis on practices and policies which may help or hinder prospective sibling group adopters and the children they wish to adopt.